Ethical challenges and transformative potential: examining the impact of artificial intelligence on patient care, data security, and the healthcare workforce in Romania

  • Sebastian Fitzek Health Services Research Group, Medical Images Analysis and Artificial Intelligence (MIAAI), Danube Private University (DPU), Austria
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Romanian Healthcare, Patient Quality of Life, Ethical Implications, Data Privacy, Workforce Transformation


The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into healthcare holds immense potential for transforming diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic approaches, particularly in addressing challenges faced by Romania's strained medical system. This study conducts an in-depth literature review to explore the opportunities and risks associated with implementing AI technologies in Romanian healthcare. Relevant research has evaluated the impact of AI on patient quality of life, highlighting both positive outcomes, such as improved disease management and personalized treatment, as well as potential concerns, including algorithmic bias, data privacy issues, and workforce displacement. This review underscores the need for a balanced approach that maximizes the benefits of AI while mitigating associated risks through robust governance frameworks, ethical guidelines, and stakeholder collaboration. Ultimately, the responsible integration of AI could revolutionize healthcare delivery in Romania, enhancing access, efficiency, and overall patient well-being. However, a comprehensive assessment of socioeconomic and ethical implications
How to Cite
Fitzek, S. (2024) “Ethical challenges and transformative potential: examining the impact of artificial intelligence on patient care, data security, and the healthcare workforce in Romania”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, (1), pp. 59-86. doi: 10.35782/JCPP.2024.1.04.