Community engagement as a form of social entrepreneurship in higher education curriculum

  • Rika Swanzen Senior Lecturer: Child and Youth Development, School of Social Science, Faculty of Arts, Monash South Africa
  • Craig Darrel Rowe Head - Community Engagement, Monash South Africa
Keywords: social entrepreneurship, service learning, appreciative inquiry, community engagement, curriculum design


At an institutional level the "responsiveness to the needs of individuals and of society has become a key theme in university mission statements" (Breier, 2001, p 6). A resulting question more than a decade later is how many of these statements have been translated into sustainable actions? The link with the context of service-learning as a form of community engagement and the development of student employability through developing social entrepreneurial skills are made and related concepts that influence curriculum design are proposed in a conceptual framework. To understand all the influencing factors on the 'serving' university is necessary to consider the impact on curriculum development as this will inevitably effect acceptance and sustaining of changes. Embracing the framework of Appreciative Inquiry the authors then look at how service learning and field placements could be sustained in higher education institutions in South Africa, ending in concluded statements and questions for future research.

How to Cite
Swanzen, R. and Rowe, C. D. (2013) “Community engagement as a form of social entrepreneurship in higher education curriculum”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, 13(4), pp. 55-70. Available at: (Accessed: 23February2025).