of Community Positive Practices2025-02-04T13:08:45-07:00Dr. Sorin CACEoffice@jppc.roOpen Journal Systems<h1 class="page_title">About Journal</h1> <div class="page"> <div> <p>The Journal of Community Positive Practices (JCPP) was founded in 2001 as a result of a project regarding the development of services within the community funded by the World Bank. JCPP offers a high level scientific environment for the debate of contemporary social issues and publishing of original scientific papers on social concepts and research. With four issues a year, the journal addresses researches, professors and students in social sciences, practitioners, decision makers and the general public worldwide.</p> <p><strong>Fields of interest</strong></p> <p>Papers in area of Social<strong> </strong>Sciences including: General<strong> </strong>Social<strong> </strong>Sciences, Sociology<strong> </strong>and<strong> </strong>Political<strong> </strong>Science, Social<strong> </strong>Sciences<strong> </strong>(miscellaneous).</p> <p>• Basic and applied social research, development and innovation based on the use of quantitative methodology, qualitative or hybrid;<br>• Presentation of the professional activities that are specific to local and international beneficiaries, NGOs, private companies, structures of local and central public administration;<br>• Highlighting the expertise and the experts in the production of social knowledge;<br>• Lay out of internal actions and projects the purposes of which are to increase the capacity of intervention, professional development, generating of know-how and issue of supporting materials to increase efficiency and maximize the impact of the activities.</p> <p><strong>Access</strong><br>Journal of Community Positive Practices (JCPP) is an open access research journal.<br><strong> </strong><br><strong>Indexed in:</strong> Scopus; Google Scholar; Ideas RePeC; Econpapers; CEEOL; ProQuest; Scipio; Questia; WorldCat </p> <p>JCPP publishes papers in English in accordance with the international editorial rules.</p> <strong>Through the means of the published articles:</strong><br>• We increase the capacity of knowledge and comprehension of the individual and social life;<br>• We integrate research experiences and its results within programs, projects or relevant<br>activities relevant and meaningful, with outcomes and impact;<br>• We facilitate the movement of ideas and the process of their issuance, the valorisation and<br>exploitation of knowledge. <p><strong>ISSN</strong><br>Print: 1582-8344<br>Electronic: 2247-6571</p> </div> </div> the work need satisfaction scale in the online platform gig work environment: a structural and contextual analysis2025-01-08T12:15:57-07:00Lucian Sfetculucian.sfetcu@gmail.comThe Work Need Satisfaction Scale (WNSS) is a widely validated instrument designed to assess the satisfaction of basic psychological needs in the workplace, as informed by the Psychology of Working Theory and Self-Determination Theory. While it has demonstrated robust psychometric properties across diverse populations, its applicability to online gig workers- a growing segment of the labor market—remains underexplored. In this study, we examined the factor structure of the WNSS among 513 European Union-based online gig workers recruited through the Clickworker platform. Confirmatory factor analysis of the original 20-item, five-factor model (survival, social contribution, autonomy, competence, and relatedness) indicated a poor fit in this population. Subsequent exploratory factor analysis suggested a more parsimonious 12-item, three-factor solution (survival, social contribution, and competence). The autonomy and relatedness dimensions, central to traditional employment contexts, did not emerge as well-formed factors in the gig work sample. These findings highlight the need to adapt the WNSS to better capture the nuances of online platform work. Future research should refine the scale's items to more accurately reflect the gig economy's unique interplay of algorithmic management, flexible scheduling, and virtual social interactions. Such adaptations can inform interventions and platform designs that promote greater need satisfaction and well-being among online gig workers.2024-12-30T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) of academic circles: a comprehensive study of employment relations with academic staff in universities in Kazakhstan2025-01-08T12:17:18-07:00Dinara Belkhozhayevadinara.belkhozhayeva@kaznpu.eduYermek Buribayevyermek.buribayev@zhetysu.eduZhanna Khamzina292803@mail.ruIn the years following its independence, Kazakhstan's higher education landscape has experienced profound changes. This period has been marked by a concerted effort to broaden the scope and capacity of the education system. There has been a pronounced emphasis on elevating the sector's role in fostering a 'knowledge society', a concept pivotal to contemporary developmental strategies. Additionally, there has been a notable increase in the influence of both external and international entities in steering academic affairs. A key area of focus has been the enhancement of university teaching quality, coupled with the establishment of robust systems for acknowledging and rewarding excellence in this domain. The central task of the article is to analyze the updated model of employment and management of the teaching staff in the universities of Kazakhstan. The authors propose a comprehensive three-stage analysis: firstly, the peculiarities of the emergence, change, and termination of employment relations between teachers and universities are studied; secondly, approaches to managing teaching staff are examined; thirdly, an analysis of sociological data on employment trends among university teachers is conducted. The study covers legal, administrative, and practical aspects of teaching work, emphasizing the interconnection of these issues in a dynamic educational environment. The results indicate the need for far-sighted leadership in managing the teaching staff, implying the integration of traditional academic values with innovative approaches in organizational culture, incentive systems, and employment practices, and the demand for legislative changes. The insights garnered from this study offer a valuable foundation for formulating policy recommendations tailored to Kazakhstan's higher education framework and similar systems. Such recommendations are poised to significantly elevate the importance and effectiveness of the teaching aspect within the academic sphere.2024-12-30T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) delinquency and human rights. Aspects of contraventional law in the Republic of Moldova2025-01-08T12:17:50-07:00Oleg Panteapanteaoleg@gmail.comAndrei Gîrleanuandreig_u@yahoo.comThe present research addresses legal aspects of contravention law concerning juvenile delinquency, the conditions for holding minors liable for contraventions, and the application of state coercive measures with an educational character as alternatives to contravention sanctions. Furthermore, the aspects of the "age of contravention liability" criterion were clarified, in relation to the minor's capacity to understand the illicit act he commits. A special section of the research was dedicated to ensuring the rights of children in conflict with the law through the prism of international regulations, the importance of recuperative measures, and the effectiveness of preventive acts against contraventions among minors.2024-12-30T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) political stability and development linkages in Bangladesh: a study of two villages2025-01-08T12:18:23-07:00Moin Uddin Erfanmoin.erfan@cou.eduNazirul Hasan Baizednazirul.baized@cou.eduPolitical stability is a prerequisite for a country's development and economic growth. Because foreign investment depends on political stability, if foreign investment increases, the country concerned will naturally develop. Political instability has harmed the country's overall development, imports and exports, and retailers. But a country's or a village's development depends on political stability and other factors that hurt development. This paper has investigated the root factors of underdevelopment even in stable political environments in two selected villages, namely Barahangina and Talukpara of Cumilla district. A mixed method, especially in-depth interviews, FGD, case studies, and surveys, was used to collect data. This study proposed that to develop the selected village, it is necessary to increase the rate of higher education along with the goodwill of the political leaders otherwise, the overall development of the village will not be possible. So, it is hoped that this research will play a significant role.2024-12-30T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) effects of the war in Ukraine on the Republic of Moldova: from refugee crisis management to resetting security enforcement strategies2025-01-08T12:18:53-07:00Rodica Ciobanurodica.ciobanu@usm.mdMariana Roșcaroshcam@yahoo.comThe article analyzes how the national security of the Republic of Moldova re-actualized under the impact of the war in Ukraine and led to a reset of regional security strategies. The article reviews how the Republic of Moldova, confronted with a significant wave of Ukrainian refugees, was forced to test its logistical, economic and security capacities. Building upon the contextual benchmarks, the steps taken to respond promptly and in a coordinated manner to the refugee crisis are outlined, as well as how Moldova's image as a responsible and humanitarian partner has been strengthened. The article also emphasizes the importance of international support, which has been crucial in managing the refugee crisis. At the same time, the crisis has underlined the need for systemic reforms in the area of national security in order to address current and future threats. The article emphasizes that while the Ukrainian refugee crisis has challenged the Moldovan authorities, it has also provided an opportunity to demonstrate the country's commitment and solidarity, as well as the Moldovan people's resilience. This difficult journey has strengthened the Republic of Moldova's position on the international scene, increasing the recognition of its humanitarian and security efforts and has created positive preconditions for its journey towards European Union membership.2024-12-30T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) child sexual exploitation of children - a qualitative study of in-family offences2025-01-08T12:19:33-07:00Alina Steliana Culinasteliana.alina.moise@gmail.comThis research aims to analyze the sexual exploitation through online pornography shows, that takes place in Romania, in the family environment. This type of abuse is represented by cases where children are involved in live pornographic shows on the internet, within which minors perform the sexual acts requested by adult clients who pay for the show. Although a relatively recent phenomenon in our country, this type of abuse has been prevalent for years in other disadvantaged regions of the world. The research focuses on in-family offences and aims to identify the factors that lead to the commission of such crimes. Data was obtained through 27 semi-structured interviews that were conducted with specialists involved in the management of online pornography offences: police officers and psychologists from child protection departments. The results of the study show that, although family sexual exploitation through live-streaming shows is not a very common modus operandi, it has extremely serious consequences for the victims. Discussions with specialists outline two distinct social situations in which this type of abuse manifests: a part of the perpetrators come from economically marginalized families, in the framework of which other deviant behaviors are also registered and within which pornography is used to provide the necessary income for day-to-day living; for the second category of perpetrators, this form of exploitation represents a quick source of substantial income, which is used to provide them with the material comfort they aspire to.2024-12-30T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) Boneageorgiana.bonea@gmail.comHoria<p>This study analyzes the social consequences of the recession in Romania, viewing it not merely as an economic downturn but as a catalyst for significant social transformations. It explores issues such as unequal income distribution, labor market changes, and access to basic services to highlight contemporary social realities. Utilizing secondary data, the study examines macro-social indicators to assess societal progress or regression over time. The research identifies a key limitation in aligning established recession theories with current data, noting that traditional recession indicators have been reactive to past events. The contemporary socio-economic context has adopted unprecedented management strategies, challenging established economic indicators. The findings reveal that despite traditional recession indicators like GDP, poverty rates, and unemployment not showing typical recessionary trends, the social reality suggests a deeper economic crisis. Measures like generating inflation to counter global economic pressures are unsustainable, leading to devalued personal savings, increased taxes, and higher costs for essentials. The study recommends government actions including increased infrastructure investment, tax policy adjustments to stimulate growth and equity, enhanced contributions to social and health programs, and regulatory policies to ensure economic stability. Progressive taxation is emphasized as a critical measure to reduce social inequalities and resource disparities, promoting a more equitable and caring society. This approach is seen as essential to managing recession impacts and supporting vulnerable populations.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c)