Dinamics and tendencies in the evolution of the common support houses for the employees

  • Gabriel Stanila
Keywords: the common support houses for the employees, vulnerable groups, Roma minority, ES entities


The present article is created around three main axes: the organisation, activity and tendencies of the Common Help Houses for he employees; the social perspective concerning these organisations; the support forms for the vulnerable groups from Romania. This activity underlines the importance of the CARS for the society both in the period of financial uncertainty and the economical equilibrium period too (the Romanian regions where the research was made are Bucharest-Ilfov and the South-East region). Also, these ES entities address both to the population with a decent living and also to the vulnerable groups from our country. The data that are at the basis of this study come from the research created by ICCV as partner in the project “INTEGRAT – Resources for the Roma women and groups that are socially excluded.”

How to Cite
Stanila, G. (2011) “Dinamics and tendencies in the evolution of the common support houses for the employees”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, 11(1), pp. 112-134. Available at: https://jppc.ro/en/index.php/jppc/article/view/56 (Accessed: 23February2025).