The social impact of contraventions and its active subject- the individual – in the Republic of Moldova

  • Oleg Pantea PhD., associate professor, Moldova State University
Keywords: contravention, active subject, passive subject, constitutive element, individual, contravener, victim


The protection of social values is a priority mission of the state, by virtue of which the legislator elaborates a set of legal norms meant to defend the social and legal order. The social danger of contraventions expresses the violation of the most important social values that are protected by the contravention law, causing damages to individuals and legal entities. This fact justifies the interest of the legislator to sanction this type of illicit acts in order to restore the injured social and legal order. The correct legal qualification of the antisocial deed through the prism of the constitutive elements of contravention has a great importance in order to ensure a legal and an appropriate application of the institution of contravention liability. This scientific work particularly highlights one of the basic elements of contravention – the subject. The first part of this study reveals the notion and general conditions of the subject of contravention in correlation with the contravention legislation, pointing out the varieties of subjects, while the second part is meant for the special subject and the passive subject of contravention. 

How to Cite
Pantea, O. (2022) “The social impact of contraventions and its active subject- the individual – in the Republic of Moldova”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, (2), pp. 56-64. doi: 10.35782/JCPP.2022.2.04.