Social economy in olt county

  • Flavius Mihalache
Keywords: social economy, social inclusion, Roma, unemployment, ddisfavoured social groups, European funds


The article presents the results of a study of the social economy in Olt County, focusing on the inclusion of the disfavoured social groups on the labour market. The sector of the non-governmental organisations is poorly developed in the county: there are just eight associations and foundations licensed to supply social services. There is very little knowledge of the social economy legislation. The legislative framework for the establishment of the different types of social economy organisations is known sequentially. There are no important local employers for the people from the disfavoured categories. There are no firms which to employ with predilection Roma people, old people and young people coming out of the placement centre etc. One of the conclusions of the survey is that the development of social economy activities depends largely on the change of population mentality towards supporting these activities by a higher social involvement of the community members.

How to Cite
Mihalache, F. (2010) “Social economy in olt county”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, 10(3-4), pp. 25-48. Available at: (Accessed: 22January2025).