The influence of empathy as an integral part of the social competences on successful social integration

  • Otilia Dandara PhD, Professor of State University of Moldova
  • Iulia Adam MA student Education Sciences, University of Moldova
Keywords: community, European funds, standard of living, vulnerable social group, Roma groups


The presentation of the results of social project evaluation is an area which reflects methodological aspects specific to the analysed field. The necessity to replicate and multiply the good practices identified within the implemented activities proposes a collection of analysed projects with the purpose to promote the initiatives regarding the control of exclusion from the basic services in the disfavoured communities, particularly in the Roma communities.

How to Cite
Dandara, O. and Adam, I. (2009) “The influence of empathy as an integral part of the social competences on successful social integration”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, 9(3-4), pp. 93-98. Available at: (Accessed: 23February2025).