Biocultural landmarks mediating the acculturation process in Romanian context

  • Adriana Borosanu Researcher, Romanian Academy - Institute of Anthropology "Francisc I. Rainer"
Keywords: anthropological landmarks, socio-economic transition, acculturation, multiculturality


The acculturation process produce changes in physical health conditions and in subjects' lifestyle. The present study looked at the adaptation process of some anthropological landmarks, in the context of economic and socio-cultural transitions under Western European influence. Methodologically, we have applied an anthropological questionnaire and another one for the assessment of trends in personality structuring to a sample of 210 subjects (10-16yrs) in rural communities with different adaptive parenting strategies. Three samples were selected: subjects whose parents are working in Western European countries and were left in their extended family's care, the ones that were left in the care of the restrained family and subjects under parents' care. Some results: We have adapted the classical methods of acculturation analysis by adding aspects of the sleep-wake functioning, being known that in this context significant changes of the sleep/wake pattern appear, along with consequences on physical and mental health. Our study also identified the adaptation effort in the mental balance, by accentuating tendencies in the structuring of personality or by emotionally weakening (aspects of the internal equilibrium of the targeted population) - processes usually seen in major changes, as e.g. in the acculturation process. In our culture, in the acculturation context the enlarged family is supportive especially for boys and the restrained family is supportive for girls, but many of them shift towards pathology. Boys are more resistant in the acculturation process, being more easily moldable by multiculturality Our study identified our openness towards multiculturality (the Western European model), during the acculturation process, both boys and girls respect the pro-social norms and behavior. The anthropological frame proved its adequacy in investigating the context of multiculturality, necessary to manage the stages of the acculturation process.

How to Cite
Borosanu, A. (2015) “Biocultural landmarks mediating the acculturation process in Romanian context”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, 15(2), pp. 74-83. Available at: (Accessed: 23February2025).