Perceptions of a sample of physicians from Bucharest upon Romanian health policy

  • Cristina Tomescu Senior Researcher, The Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: perceptions, Romania, health policy,, physicians, health indicators


This article is part of a broader analysis, which is based on qualitative data collection by interviewing a sample of physicians. Data collection was conducted from November 2014 to March 2015. There were interviewed a total number of 40 physicians in Bucharest. Most of those interviewed are specialists working in state hospitals or are family physicians. Their perceptions upon how the medical system works show their displeasure against low wages, disorganization in the system, less efficient management of financial and human resources in the system. They pull the alarm on the phenomenon of massive migration of physicians and health indicators of the population. Rates of morbidity and mortality in Romania are a blend of specific indicators for developed countries with specific indicators for developing countries. Although most health indicators have improved over the last two decades, a number of indicators are still very problematic, with significant gaps compared to the EU average.

How to Cite
Tomescu, C. (2015) “Perceptions of a sample of physicians from Bucharest upon Romanian health policy”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, 15(2), pp. 56-67. Available at: (Accessed: 23February2025).