Evidence of the changing activities, goals and roles of hr practitioners

  • Andries J. du Plessis PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Management and Marketing, Unitec, New Zealand
Keywords: human resources, organisation, performance, benefits


This research considers the role, activities and contribution of HR and managers in six closely related themes that should be addressed to maintain high workplace productivity in a complex business environment in which there are many competing interests. Previously a reward approach was simple with two main streams pay and benefits. In New Zealand HR practitioners have been exposed to global competition creating the need for their roles, goals and activities to be recognised in adding value in organisations to be successful. The outcomes of this research shed light on when is an employer an employer of choice, employee empowerment, employee engagement, rewards based on individual and the whole organisation's performance including the remuneration component that is a reward system classifiable into monetary - and in-kind payments.

How to Cite
Plessis, A. J. du (2015) “Evidence of the changing activities, goals and roles of hr practitioners”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, 15(1), pp. 3-16. Available at: https://jppc.ro/en/index.php/jppc/article/view/264 (Accessed: 23February2025).