Proposal for teaching methods: Mosaic- diversity training

  • Felisbelo Raio Researcher, Francisco Gomes D’avelar Foundation Professional School, expert of MOSAIC project
  • Bjarne Anton Staehr Researcher, Fof Kolding, expert of MOSAIC project
Keywords: cultural competences, flexibility, education, social inclusion, abilities


This article proposes the presentation of results from project Grundtvig 1 MOSAIC. The main objective from the project was identifying methods of teaching which can contribute to a higher success in social inclusion. After the research made, the conclusion was tat every teacher/ disseminator/ social assistant /employee must have special knowledge and personal intercultural abilities. In order to attract different types of students, the combination of theoretical study with activities of forming the abilities is required. Testing the MOSAIC project- Forming in diversity in different states and institutions had revealed the importance of a module, designed for an European concept and which offers a certain flexibility through the fact that different approaches are combined and different aspects are treated.

How to Cite
Raio, F. and Staehr, B. A. (2008) “Proposal for teaching methods: Mosaic- diversity training”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, 8(3-4), pp. 86-96. Available at: (Accessed: 23February2025).