The securitization of migration issue: Hungarian case

  • Nina Miholjcic MA in Diplomacy and International Affairs
Keywords: securitization, migration, Hungary, Speech Act, European Union


In the paper, main points of the securitization theory are explored, while the Hungarian case is used to explain each step in the process of successful securitization of migration issue. Widening of the security studies has brought "new" issues into security discourse, and, thus, shaped new security sectors related to societal and environmental realms. Therefore, societal security as one of new security agendas has brought a substantial range of threats that could not be explored through the realist state-centric or military-centric security positions. The speech act as a main point within the securitization theory embraces a powerful connotation since officials through statements could bring a range of different issue into security realm and legitimize the use of extraordinary political measures. For the analysis of main reasons for the securitization of migration issue, a number of relevant books, scientific publications and articles, working papers, and newspaper articles are used as a primarily source of information. This essay applies qualitative research method in the form of case study. The theory tested in the article, is the Securitization theory developed by the Copenhagen School of security studies.

How to Cite
Miholjcic, N. (2017) “The securitization of migration issue: Hungarian case”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, 17(3), pp. 58-66. Available at: (Accessed: 23February2025).