Positive practices in reorganising the consumption patterns

  • Mariana Stanciu Dr Mariana Stanciu, coordinator of the program Consumption patterns and standard of life, within the Institute for Quality of Life Research, within the National Institute of Economic Research, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
Keywords: Consumption patterns, responsibility, prevention policies, positive practices


The current rhetoric together with the ecologist practices from the developed societies might give the impression that mankind reached a rather high level of awareness about the risks which the preservation of the consummatory behaviour generates on the rural environment, implicitly on the quality of the global life, reaching both the present generations and the future ones. Can any act of consumption be truly free and unlimited, just in the name of the liberty of manifestation of the person who, at a particular moment, may buy access with the money he/she can afford to pay? Which are, actually, the consequences of consumption acts that may seem insignificant or benign and which the consumer is often unaware of? What are some countries doing to increase the awareness and to decrease the unwanted consequences of some categories of consumption? Such questions and other ones are answered by this article.

How to Cite
Stanciu, M. (2012) “Positive practices in reorganising the consumption patterns”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, 12(3), pp. 556-570. Available at: https://jppc.ro/en/index.php/jppc/article/view/141 (Accessed: 23February2025).