Call for Papers: Innovative practices in community development and engagement.


The Journal of Community Positive Practices (JCPP) is an open-access research journal, founded in 2001 as a result of a project supported by the World Bank. JCPP is today Scopus, Google Scholar, Ideas RePeC, Econpapers, CEEOL, ProQuest, Scipio, Questia, WorldCat indexed.

We aim to increase social life understanding, facilitate the circulation of ideas, and valorise the research experiences and their results. We address researchers and students, practitioners, decision-makers, but a global audience also.

We are preparing a special issue for September 2024, dedicated to the contemporary challenges represented by the impact of technical and engineering developments on society: Innovative practices in community development and engagement. We know that technical innovations significantly shape social and economic development. The new achievements support social innovation processes and the processes linked to sustainable development goals.

We would be happy to publish your manuscript, your colleagues, or those of any person with similar academic interests. Detailed information can be found here.

We will also be thankful if you share this message in the communities you belong to.

Journal of Community Positive Practices editorial team