Sustainable approach of corporate embeddedness: good practices of small and medium-sized family companies

  • Zsuzsanna Pálffy Assistant Lecturer, Department of International Studies and Communication, Széchenyi István University, Hungary; PhD student, Doctoral School of Regional- and Business Administration Sciences, Széchenyi István University, Hungary
  • Lívia Ablonczy-Mihályka Professor, Department of International Studies and Communication, Széchenyi István University Hungary; Course Head of International Relations BA programme
Keywords: sustainability embeddedness, sustainable embedding, family companies, good practices


Academic literature explores the term sustainability embeddedness as the highest degree of integration of sustainability into corporate strategies, however, its interpretation lacks the conceptual meaning applied in regional economics. While the focus of sustainability practices is often local, companies embed in the local space, conversely, increasing local embeddedness and commitment are leading companies to move from compliance-based sustainability practices towards sustainability embeddedness. The results based on interviews with small- and medium sized family businesses in Győr-Moson-Sopron County, Hungary illustrate that sustainable embedding as suggested as a new approach of the study are applied by this group of companies, the study concludes with a collection of good practices
How to Cite
Pálffy, Z. and Ablonczy-Mihályka, L. (2024) “Sustainable approach of corporate embeddedness: good practices of small and medium-sized family companies”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, (2), pp. 115-135. doi: 10.35782/JCPP.2024.2.06.