Religion and the quality of life in urban communities

  • Mihai Pascaru PhD Professor, "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania
Keywords: confession, quality of life, liveability, food quality, strategic ecumenism


The study first reviews some research and analysis of the relationships between religion and dimensions of the quality of life. It focuses thereafter on particular investigations of these relationships as they apply to several neighbourhoods in the city of Alba Iulia, Romania, where associations between religious confession and indicators of the quality of life like liveability, incomes and food quality have recently been polled. The observations lead to the conclusion that several religious communities are confronting themselves with problems that are similar and that might be alleviated through a promotion of strategic ecumenism.

How to Cite
Pascaru, M. (2019) “Religion and the quality of life in urban communities”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, 19(3), pp. 62-73. doi: 10.35782/JCPP.2019.3.05.