Unintended effects of social protection programmes in Zambia. A case of child grant cash transfer programme (CGP)

  • Isaac Kabelenga PhD, Lecturer, University of Zambia, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Fumbani Mphande Mr, Lecturer, University of Africa, Faculty of Education, Lusaka
Keywords: unintended effects of social protection, CGP, rural community, Zambia, qualitative research


This qualitative study explores the unintended effects of social protection programmes in Zambia. By studying Child Grant Programme (CGP) in one rural community, the study indicates that the effects of the CGP in the rural community are broader than what was anticipated by the Zambian government and its international and local development partners when embarking on the programme. From the results, it is evident that the effects of the CGP transcend the primary beneficiaries. This is because it has also benefited the whole rural community and business individuals and entities that trade with the rural community. The study concludes also that the new knowledge generated in this study has been made possible with the use of qualitative research. Thus, the findings of this study provide strong support for the importance of calibrating the methodological approach with the underlying aims of the study.

How to Cite
Kabelenga, I. and Mphande, F. (2019) “Unintended effects of social protection programmes in Zambia. A case of child grant cash transfer programme (CGP)”, Journal of Community Positive Practices, 19(3), pp. 46-61. doi: 10.35782/JCPP.2019.3.04.